Future Holder Rewards
It's important for us to reward loyal holders of Block9 Dogs. Meaningful rewards will come in the form of:
Reward Auctions
SOL (future potential)
NFTS (future potential)
Holder Access Phases
Unique access phases (future potential)
$POWER Deflation
Sustained from future revenue generated by BidHub
Reward Auctions
Generated and run by Block9, auctions that allow our community to redeem rewards.
Key Features:​​
Bid in $POWER, the collection Staking token
No bid fees
Rewards such as; SOL distribution, NFTs swept from the market, WL slots, Merch
Can be for all POWER holders, or gated to current PFP holders only
Giving back to the community in auctions via our native staking token. A way to get meaningful rewards, with no cost to the community.
Collected $POWER will be burned reducing total supply.

Exclusive Holder Access Bidding Phases

As part of our sales package, Block9 will negotiate exclusive holder access phases for some auctions.
Key Features:​
Exclusive access to some of our most sought after auctions
Holder only bidding phases
Bidding against fewer wallets.
Increases the probability of buying at a great price.
Sustainable Rewards
We are an established team building for the long haul. That's why we need to be able to sustain rewards indefinitely. ​
Our rewards structure is backed by potential profits generated from BidHub. That means, as long as we are running profitable auctions, then the rewards are sustainable.
We have built this in the bear market, running a wide range of different auctions and collecting data around how people enjoy using BidHub. This is so that we can scale with a great, fun product as the demand increases.