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Auction types
We can accommodate a wide range of auction types to meet a sellers requirements.
New Collection Mints
Collection Presale
Collection Upgrades
Community Auctions
Reward Auctions in SOL or SPLs
Outcome Auctions
Web 2/3 digital sales
Service Auctions
Merch Auctions
Membership Auctions
Web 2/3
Web 2/3 Digital Auctions - Selling Services or 'Physicals':
Where users bid for a service or physical item. Examples:
A music artist selling VIP access passes.
A cloud provider selling storage data.
A retailor selling limited edition merch.
Key Features:​​
Bespoke service catering to your selling needs.
Auctions in SOL or any SPL token, such as an USDC.
Customizable media, content and samples.
Unique Benefits:
Perfect supply vs demand sales price discovery.
Access for web 2 companies to sell in digital currencies.
Transparent on-chain proof of bidding and sales history.
Outsourcing web3 front/backend to a reputable platform.
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